Title :
For my initial idea I haven't yet come up with a name/ title
Group 1
Genre :
Crime Drama
About :
My Initial idea is about a young girl that's currently involved in a gang that she shouldn't be. One night when the girls are out they make her steal from a shops as part of an initiation so she can stay apart of the gang. But as the young Girl enters the shop her so called ' friends' run and leave her by herself. The shop keeper catches as her and she's now on the run from the police, baring in mind she has a previous track record she stays in hiding trying to plot revenge on the gang that set her up.
The main Character will be the young girl who's the victim and the new member. I'd also need a few girls to act as a gang and a police man/ woman or detective.
As the stroy unfolds :
We realise that the young girl is actually innocent and we see how the crimes she commits ahs effected her, yet the police dont believe there were more people involved.
I plan to :
Stick to the genre and not to make it too comical or too serious. To have an appropriate sounds ( diegetic and non-diegetic) that are synchronus to the clips shown and have slang words / not propper english for the dialogue.
Target Audience:
The opening sequence will be directed at a Teenage and Young adult audience from around 15- 24 as most people within this age group can relate to what's happening and may have been in previous situations like this at some point in their lives.
Camera Shots and angles :
I will try to include a range of different camera angles and shots such as a close-up on key items in the story such as what the girl steals and her facial expressions as she is running from the police.
I will have typical 'casual clothing' such as hoodies and jeans/ tracksuit bottoms as that's generaly what gang members wear or people that hang about on the streets.
It will be set around town in an urban area to help create a rough feel for where the characters live.
The idea that it's about a young girl in a gang stereotypicaly breaks normal crime dramas, it's usually boys/ young males that are associated with groups that commit crimes and run from the police.
Executive producers :
Miss.Buttler and Mr.Lawes.
Enigma Codes :
What crimes has the young girl previously commited ? Why did the gang run away and set her up ? Why does she want revenge so much ?
Improved Initial Idea
Title :
For my initial idea i haven't yet come up with a name/ title
Group 1
Genre :
Crime Drama
About :
My Initial idea is about a young girl that's currently involved in a gang that she shouldn't be. One night when the girls are out they make her steal from a shops as part of an initiation so she can stay apart of the gang. But as the young Girl enters the shop her so called ' friends' run and leave her by herself. The shop keeper catches as her and she's now on the run from the police, baring in mind she has a previous track record she stays in hiding trying to plot revenge on the gang that set her up.
The main Character will be the young girl who's the victim and the new member. I'd also need a few girls to act as a gang and a police man/ woman or detective.
As the stroy unfolds :
We realise that the young girl is actually innocent and we see how the crimes she commits ahs effected her, yet the police dont believe there were more people involved.
I plan to :
Stick to the genre and not to make it too comical or too serious. To have an appropriate sounds ( diegetic and non-diegetic) that are synchronus to the clips shown and have slang words / not propper english for the dialogue. Quite slow music as she is with the gang and enters the shop all shifty , and then it builds up and gets quite fast like action music as she runs out of the shop with the item that she has stolen and looks back to see if the police are following her as it creates tension and effect. until she finally looses the police and sits in hiding when the music calms back down to quite slow , reflecting the clips shown.
Target Audience:
The opening sequence will be directed at a Teenage and Young adult audience from around 15- 24 as most people within this age group can relate to what's happening and may have been in previous situations like this at some point in their lives.
Camera Shots and angles :
I will try to include a range of different camera angles and shots such as a close-up on key items in the story such as what the girl steals and her facial expressions as she is running from the police. I will enclude a montage as the Young girl is running from the police , long shots of ehr running , close ups of her feet moving fast, her head turning around to see if the police are still after her and her facial expressions so we can see the emotions and what she's feeling. An establishing shot will also be used at the begining to show the area that she lives in and all the rounds and alley ways that she could turn down.
I will have typical 'casual clothing' such as hoodies and jeans/ tracksuit bottoms as that's generaly what gang members wear or people that hang about on the streets.
It will be set around town in an urban area to help create a rough feel for where the characters live.
The idea that it's about a young girl in a gang stereotypicaly breaks normal crime dramas, it's usually boys/ young males that are associated with groups that commit crimes and run from the police.
Executive producers :
Miss.Buttler and Mr.Lawes.
Enigma Codes :
What crimes has the young girl previously commited ? Why did the gang run away and set her up ? Why does she want revenge so much ? why has she resulted into joining the gang in the first place ? home life ?
Pitch / Peer Assessment
After I had come up with my initial idea I had to then pitch it to the rest of the class , where a member of another group would peer assess my idea. This happened to each member in my group, after we got our feedback we sat together in a group for a meeting to go over what the rest of the class had thought and to try and merge all of our ideas together to create one strong idea.
Peer Assesment
Suitability as an opening
It uses good enigma codes and isn’t a whole story
The main character has a good conflicting past that adds to her
The mise-en-scene is fitting to the genre as it is set in the dark
Creative flair/keeping
within the genre
As opposed to focusing on the police she has changed the prospective
of the audience they will be looking at.
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