Monday, 7 January 2013

Production Team Meeting 2

Production Team Meeting 2

In today's lesson we reviewed the footage that we had already shot. Due to poor lighting in the drama room, we wasn't able to get the accurate footage that we wanted, so instead decided to film some shots of Sarah crying as well as washing blood off of her hands in the school bathroom sink. Some of this footage was effective such as the close ups of Sarah crying, as you can see all the facial expressions and make-up. Other parts of the footage wasn't so effective such as shot's where you can see the paint bottle in them, and jumpy shots of the floor and paint drops.

Due to our production group having to change the opening of our sequence we had the idea that Sarah could be crying in the bathroom which then follows on to her having flashbacks instead of her sitting in the dark room on the floor. We have decided to also potentially include a montage at the beginning of the opening sequence with Sarah walking into the bathroom, followed by her then washing the blood on her hands and then the close ups of her crying which leads into the happy and sinister flashbacks.

Due to the last minute change we only have 2 hours lesson time tomorrow to re-film this scene effectively including the montage, this means that some of the footage could be rushed, But where we have filmed the scenes previously we know roughly what we are doing. We will also need to re-do our storyboards due to the scene change.

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