Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Prelim Task Script

For our initial planning ideas we kept things simple but well detailed. at first we started to plan our ideas and decided what genre we wanted to base it on , we originally wanted to do more than one prelim so we had a different range of genres but we decided that it was too complicated so decided on one , which was a drama with a humorous effect. We talked about where we wanted to film the scene as a group and who wanted to act as well , both the boys volunteered which fit with the dialogue as boys ' typically' break school rules and end up in fights. Each member of the group contributed equally in deciding who wanted to film , edit and act as well as we all wrote notes on story board to get each of our points across.


Prelim Task Script

Sonny : [walks through the automatic doors in main street , into the egg, towards the benches on the left of the shot  and sits down ] Hey you...

Conor : [ sitting on the bench opposite him 'on the right ' , slowly looks up ] Yeah?

Sonny : [ sarcastically/ exasperation ] So ... what you here for ?

Conor : [ looking directly at sonny , slight sarcastic tone ] Well , i kind of broke some year seven kids arm [ shrugs shoulders ]

Sonny : [ [surprisingly shocked ] WOW.

Conor : [ sarcy laugh ] ha, yeah what about you ? what you here for ?

Sonny : I " accidentally " dropped a crisp packet on the floor , of all things.

Conor : Hardcore man. Hardcore.

The reason why we chose to locate our scene in ' the egg ' in mainstreet ( at school ) was because it had an automatic double door , easier to walk in from , with it being slightly different , and it also created more of a dramatical effect plus because it is during school time , it would be a lot quieter to film , so the actors aren't interrupted by non diegetic sounds such as background noise so you are able to hear them more clearly. We chose to do our script as it fit in with the school feel as they would be told of if they did something bad , this is shown in the script when Conor breaks a child's arm and Sonny drops a crisp packet with added sarcastic humour for more effect. From our group we chose both of the boys to act out the scene as typically boys cause the most chaos in school and usually end up breaking the rules compared to girls.

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