Thursday, 22 November 2012

Treatment Template / Pitch / group meeting

Treatment Template

Title :

For my initial idea I haven't yet come up with a name/ title



Group 1

Genre :

Crime Drama

About :

My Initial idea is about a young girl that's currently involved in a gang that she shouldn't be. One night when the girls are out they make her steal from a shops as part of an initiation so she can stay apart of the gang. But as the young Girl enters the shop her so called ' friends' run and leave her by herself. The shop keeper catches as her and she's now on the run from the police, baring in mind she has a previous track record she stays in hiding trying to plot revenge on the gang that set her up.


The main Character will be the young girl who's the victim and the new member. I'd also need a few girls to act as a gang and a police man/ woman or detective.

As the stroy unfolds :

 We realise that the young girl is actually innocent and we see how the crimes she commits ahs effected her, yet the police dont believe there were more people involved.

I plan to :

Stick to the genre and not to make it too comical or too serious. To have an appropriate sounds ( diegetic and non-diegetic) that are synchronus to the clips shown and have slang words / not propper english for the dialogue.

Target Audience:

The opening sequence will be directed at a Teenage and Young adult audience from around 15- 24 as most people within this age group can relate to what's happening and may have been in previous situations like this at some point in their lives.

Camera Shots and angles :

I will try to include a range of different camera angles and shots such as a close-up on key items in the story such as what the girl steals and her facial expressions as she is running from the police.


I will have typical 'casual clothing' such as hoodies and jeans/ tracksuit bottoms as that's generaly what gang members wear or people that hang about on the streets.

It will be set around town in an urban area to help create a rough feel for where the characters live.


The idea that it's about a young girl in a gang stereotypicaly breaks normal crime dramas, it's usually boys/ young males that are associated with groups that commit crimes and run from the police.

Executive producers :

 Miss.Buttler and Mr.Lawes.

Enigma Codes :

What crimes has the young girl previously commited ? Why did the gang run away and set her up ? Why does she want revenge so much ?

Improved Initial Idea

Title :

For my initial idea i haven't yet come up with a name/ title



Group 1

Genre :

Crime Drama

About :

 My Initial idea is about a young girl that's currently involved in a gang that she shouldn't be. One night when the girls are out they make her steal from a shops as part of an initiation so she can stay apart of the gang. But as the young Girl enters the shop her so called ' friends' run and leave her by herself. The shop keeper catches as her and she's now on the run from the police, baring in mind she has a previous track record she stays in hiding trying to plot revenge on the gang that set her up.


 The main Character will be the young girl who's the victim and the new member. I'd also need a few girls to act as a gang and a police man/ woman or detective.

As the stroy unfolds :

We realise that the young girl is actually innocent and we see how the crimes she commits ahs effected her, yet the police dont believe there were more people involved.

I plan to :

Stick to the genre and not to make it too comical or too serious. To have an appropriate sounds ( diegetic and non-diegetic) that are synchronus to the clips shown and have slang words / not propper english for the dialogue. Quite slow music as she is with the gang and enters the shop all shifty , and then it builds up and gets quite fast like action music as she runs out of the shop with the item that she has stolen and looks back to see if the police are following her as it creates tension and effect. until she finally looses the police and sits in hiding when the music calms back down to quite slow , reflecting the clips shown.

Target Audience:

The opening sequence will be directed at a Teenage and Young adult audience from around 15- 24 as most people within this age group can relate to what's happening and may have been in previous situations like this at some point in their lives.

Camera Shots and angles :

I will try to include a range of different camera angles and shots such as a close-up on key items in the story such as what the girl steals and her facial expressions as she is running from the police. I will enclude a montage as the Young girl is running from the police , long shots of ehr running , close ups of her feet moving fast, her head turning around to see if the police are still after her and her facial expressions so we can see the emotions and what she's feeling. An establishing shot will also be used at the begining to show the area that she lives in and all the rounds and alley ways that she could turn down.


I will have typical 'casual clothing' such as hoodies and jeans/ tracksuit bottoms as that's generaly what gang members wear or people that hang about on the streets.

It will be set around town in an urban area to help create a rough feel for where the characters live.


The idea that it's about a young girl in a gang stereotypicaly breaks normal crime dramas, it's usually boys/ young males that are associated with groups that commit crimes and run from the police.

Executive producers :

Miss.Buttler and Mr.Lawes.

Enigma Codes :

What crimes has the young girl previously commited ? Why did the gang run away and set her up ? Why does she want revenge so much ? why has she resulted into joining the gang in the first place ? home life ?

Pitch / Peer Assessment


After I had come up with my initial idea I had to then pitch it to the rest of the class , where a member of another group would peer assess my idea. This happened to each member in my group, after we got our feedback we sat together in a group for a meeting to go over what the rest of the class had thought and to try and merge all of our ideas together to create one strong idea.

Peer Assesment

Suitability as an opening sequence

It uses good enigma codes and isn’t a whole story






The main character has a good conflicting past that adds to her character

The mise-en-scene is fitting to the genre as it is set in the dark
Creative flair/keeping within the genre

As opposed to focusing on the police she has changed the prospective of the audience they will be looking at.


Psychological Crime Drama Survey

Click here to take survey This is a questionnaire that our production group devised, we hope to get some feedback over the next few days that will help to inform our final production.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Questionnaire And Analysis Of Questionnaire Results


1) Are you male [  ] or female [  ] ?

2) What is your age group ?
    [  ] 16 - 20
    [  ] 21 - 25
    [  ] 26 - 30
    [  ] over 30

3) How often do you watch crime dramas ?

   [  ] I dont watch them
   [  ] I watch them sometimes
   [  ] I watch them frequently
   [  ] I watch them all the time

   [  ]  Other.
   If other please specify .......................................

  4) How should domestic violence be represented sensitively ?

  5) Do you prefer to see the crime happen or piece it together yourself ? 

  6)  What appeals to you about crime dramas ? 


  7) What stereotypes do you expect to see in a crime drama ?


  8)   Do you think the idea of a female murderer is effective? and why ?


  9)  What do you think about the idea of a psychological crime drama ?


  10) What types of narrative structures do you prefer in a crime drama ?

        [  ] Flashbacks
        [  ] Twists
        [  ] Conspiracies
        [  ] None of the above

Analysis of questionnaire results from Servey Monkey.

From the results of our questionnaire I can see that most of the people that watch Crime Drama's are female. This would mean that for our opening sequence our production group should aim to grip more females to watch than males, which will be especially easy as the main character for our opening sequence is a female.

A lot of the people that answered the questionnaire were between 16-20 with 4 results followed by ages 26-30 and over 30's both with one respose. From this I can see that our opening sequence not only needs to be targeted slightly toward more females but also to a younger target audience of around 16-20 year olds, possibly by making the opening sequence more modern. Especially with the crimes that we have used such as knife crime and domestic violence mostly being common with teenagers and young adults. This is also helpful as the main character Sarah is 18 and fits into the age group that will mostly watch.

Question 3 is helpful as I can get an idea of how many people would watch our Crime Drama if it was to be published. By the majority of the people that answered saying that they would watch them sometimes means that they would probably watch our opening sequence once if not twice depending on how gripping it is making them want to watch more.

From the results I can see that alot of people like to peice the Crime Drama together themselves, This is good as our opening sequence includes a lot of enigma codes, this means that the audience will be gripped throughout the whole of the sequence and can peice the enigma codes together themselves such as who has she killed ? And why has she killed them ? .

From what appeals to the target audience i can see that they like things that are different and gripping. In our opening sequence we have shown this by using gender role reversals so that it is Sarah that ends up killing her boyfriend instead of him killing her through the domestic violence. As well as having a black female character play the lead instead of a white female typical to most Crime Dramas. As suggested our opening sequence includes quite a few twists within the diverse issues of knife crime and domestic violence as well as a gripping story line due to all of the enigma codes.

From the results shown i can see that the characters in our opening sequence are quite sterotypical, we have the good guy, bad guy role, Sarah being the good guy and the victim of domestic violence from her boyfriend James who is the bad guy. Sarah can aslo be shown as the bad guy too once the audience learn that she has killed her boyfriend. We do include a murderer, as Sarah ends up killing James and can also be seen as psycchopathic as the flashbacks shown will see her thinking about all the good and bad times, her over thinking about the situation and then lashing out and killing James which links into our hybrid genre of a Psychological Crime Drama.
Our opening sequence does link in with alot of what comment four is talking about. The psychological side to our film is shown mainly through the flashbacks during the happy and sad scenes, it represents Sarah the main character re thinking over every thing that has happened between her and James throughout their whole relationship, happy at first but then towards the end things start to really go wrong and this plays on Sarah's mind. As well as the fact that she decides to kill James as if that is the only way out of the situation instead of thinking about other logical options such as to call the police or to just run away and leave him for good, The fact that she decides straigh away to kill him makes her look rather psychopathic. Also James is shown as being slightly psychopathic as one he uses domestic violence on Sarah and two he will be shown as a dark, misty figure, by the audience not being able to see what James actually looks like adds a psychological twist to the them as they are trying to think about what he looks like, if he really looks that bad to be wanting to commit a crime as harsh as this, A good way of showing an enigma code and keeping the audience hooked.

SWOT Analysis Of Final Treatment

SWOT Analysis Of Final Treatment


Our final idea sticks well to the conventions of typical crime dramas, for example with the lighting, camera angles and shots and the idea as a whole. We have structured it well, including different theorists and enigma codes too as well as deviating from the typical crime drama as we are using a woman murder instead of a man, changing the idea around.


One issue that came up was that we may be too offensive in what we shot, with the whole murder side of the story. We have resolved this as we won't actually be showing the boyfriend who beats her, he will be shown as a dark shadowy figure and with the point of view shot as he goes to hit her we don't actually see this, the camera or girl just falls to the floor so the audience has to piece the ideas together, using the psychological side of the hybrid genre.


Where we will be filming one of the scenes in a drama studio we are able to gain  access to dark rooms, with spot lights, a wide range of props or make-up need as well, also being able to use good actors from within the school so the standard of the acting is good.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Thought Processes About Final Idea

Thought Processes About Final Idea

What is our opening sequence about?

Our opening sequence/ film story line is a hybrid genre of a psychological crime drama, about a young girl of around 18 who gets into a relationship with her new boyfriend of around 25. At first everything is fine and the couple are happy but as the story unfolds we start to see hidden disasters within the relationship.

The opening sequence starts off with a long shot of the young girl sitting on the floor in a dark room, with a stream of light from the window hitting her. As the camera starts to zoom in slowly the clips fade to black showing the producers name and actor's names. This happens several times and each time as we go back to the girl in the room the camera zooms in more and more, until we reach the girl. A final black screen is shown of the title and then it goes into a close up of the girl's hand, holding a bloody knife. From here the camera pans up the girl's arm and we can see cuts and bruises until it reaches another close-up of her face, here we can see that she's been crying, her make-up has run down her face and she has a faint look in her eyes. Then The flashbacks start to happen. In a sepia or black and white effect, quite bright we see the young girl and her partner holding hands and swaying with each other in a field during the summer, all happy like a normal couple, Non-diegetic music being played over the top, quite happy and joyful, synchronous to the clips being shown, followed by another shot of a close up of the girls face. this happens twice until the third flashback changes. From a point of view shot (The camera acting as the girl, so us as an audience feel like we are her) The girl is sat on the floor, With a low angle shot we can see the dark shadowy figure standing over her, in a dark black and white effect, until the shadowy hand hits her and she falls to the floor. (The camera falls over and lies on the side making it look like the girl has fallen over) During the third flashback the music changes like a scratch of a broken record player, and turns into quite a dark piece of music, again synchronous to the clips, helping to create a mood toward the audience. Finally the girl snaps out of the flashbacks, all the music cuts off and all we can hear is police sirens from outside with flashes of blue light across the girls face, she looks up, directly looking at the camera and dropps the knife, and this is how the opening sequence ends.

Camera Shots and Angles

Throughout our opening sequence a wide range of camera shots and angles have been used. We start by introducing the young girl first as she is the main character through a long shot, by doing this the audience are able to see what she looks like, whilst the camera's zooming in as well. They can see that she is wearing hardly any clothes, so she's exposed, this helps them to see the bruises and the marks on her body, along with her being upset as all her make-ups running this makes the audience ask themselves what's happened to her? and how did she get all them marks? As well as the close up of the bloody knife, the audience will think what has she done with it/ who has she killed? Already using 3 enigma codes, And breaking female stereotypes as she's seen to be quite strong to have possibly killed somebody and she's an independent woman as she is shown on her own in the apartment.

During the violent flashback a point of view shot is used. The camera acts as the girl on the floor, this looks like us, the viewer is her, and this is happening to us, playing on the psychological side of the film, that the audience have to think about what's happening and piece it together but feel like they are involved from the point of view shot. Whilst the point of view shot is happening, a low angle is used, so it's like we are looking up at her boyfriend. The audience don't actually see his face at all throughout the opening sequence; they just see him as a dark and mysterious character. Our production group wanted to leave him as a mysterious character as again we play on the psychological side of the genre, were creating more enigma codes for the audience such as What does he look like ? And Why can't we see what he looks like?.


Our production group chose 2 settings for the opening sequence. One in a small dark room, where the audience first see the girl before she has the flashbacks, the same room being used in the third flashback when her boyfriend hits her. We thought the fact that the room is dark and all we can see is her makes it more mysterious, we can't see anything but her and this knife, so the audience don't exactly know where she is or where the apartment is placed. A secluded area is typical to a crime drama, The person who commits the crime such as a murder or kidnapping usually goes to a place that's deserted so nobody can hear them scream and they can get away with what they commit so that's why we chose an empty room.
The second place that we chose was the open field/park in the first and second flashback, contrasting the dark and secluded area, the couple are actually out in the open, in front of other people or out in public the boyfriend acts all happy so no one can suspect what is going on until he actually gets back to the apartment where the audience see him hurt her.

Our opening sequence only contains one prop which is the knife connoting violence. We chose a knife to reflect the idea of knife crime, whilst the domestic violence is also being shown in the background. We chose not to see the young girl actually kill her boyfriend, or to see his body, creating another enigma code of was it her boyfriend she actually killed? By what the audience piece together, they think that she has killed her boyfriend but without them seeing the body or her killing him they can't actually confirm that, leaving the rest of the story open.

There aren't a lot of costumes used either. The young girl is shown to be wearing 2 costumes, one in the dark scenes of violence and at the beginning of the opening sequence with her wearing a black vest top and a short pair of shorts. We wanted to make her clothing quite revealing so we could see bruises and cuts on her, from her boyfriend hitting and hurting her. As well as it shows her to be putting herself out there, as it would have taken her to be quite flirty to attract the older male in the first place. During the long shot of her at the beginning and the short clips of her between the flashbacks we can see her face, her make-up has smudge, and she's all teary eyed, This helps to show her emotions and the psychological side as she must have been thinking about the situation a lot and the actions that she chose to make her so upset that her make-up runs. She also wears a flowy dress in the flashbacks of them in the field during the summer, again quite revealing but typical to that type of weather, The audience sort of see her face from a side shot, and an occasional front view, they can see that she is heavily made up though, being able to see this through the sepia or black and white effect to show that she wants to make an effort for her boyfriend.

The older male isn't shown a lot in the opening sequence as we chose to keep him mysterious and portray him as this dark shadowy figure. The only time the audience really see him is during the summer flashback with his girlfriend. His backs turned to the camera but he's wearing quite a lot of clothes; jeans, and a long sleeved top/ jumper, even though it's quite hot outside. This being a binary opposite to the young girl as she's wearing a strappy revealing dress again showing her to be quite flirty when her boyfriend's fully covered up.


A range of different lighting is used throughout the opening sequence. Firstly during the long shot of the girl, a spot light is used on her, so the audience are able to see her make up and get a good look at the main character. The contrast between saturated and de-saturated colours in the flashbacks. Saturated colours are used in the first flashbacks of them in the field all happy, as they will be very light washed out looking flashbacks to make them look older, compared to the desaturated colours in the flashback of the her boyfriend beating her, quite dark vivid colours are used, this helps set the mood toward the audience and as the lighting changes their mood should change with the clips as well.


There isn't a lot of editing used within our opening sequence, mainly at the beginning when we zoom in on the girl, fading the scenes to black to show production names and the names of the actors and editors, etc. fading back into the image of the girl, each time getting closer and closer, until after the last clip of film name fades into a close-up of the knife and the opening sequence starts. We chose to do this as there aren't really any other appropriate times to include the title scenes, and the fading between the black slides and a closer image of the girl sitting on the floor grips the audience to want to watch the rest, as the short little clips of  her create a tense effect. We will edit in a police siren effect at the end of the opening sequence too to make it sound like the police are outside her apartment/room. We want to incorporate this as a lot of crime movies include the police or detectives, and we didn't want to make it too psychological as the main genre is crime.

Enigma Codes

Our opening sequence contains quite a few enigma codes, mainly from the psychological side of the genre, the audience are left to think about a lot of things, such as:

- Why is she holding a knife?
- Who has she killed?
- Why is she covered in cuts and bruises?
- What happens in the relationship for him to want to hurt her?
- Why does she want to be in a relationship with a man 7 years older than her?
- Why aren't her parents involved in her life?
- What does she do with the body that she's killed?
- Why does she feel killing him is the only way out of the situation?
- Why does she stay in the apartment after killing him?
- What happens with the police? do they take her away?
- What does the boyfriend look like? / Why can't we see what he looks like?


One theory that our opening sequence has followed is John Bergers. His theory was that men see women as objects and are inferior to them. which is exactly what happens in our story line, The young girl portrays herself as quite flirty, heavily makes herself up to try and get her boyfriend to like her even more, when he sees her as this weak object and results to beating her. He knows that she won't run away or tell anybody, because she knows he'll just beat her more, and that this is what she wanted in the first place, for him to acknowledge her. We break this theory in the end by the young girl standing up for herself even if she does it in the wrong way, by killing him. By her doing this she's actually also portrayed as this strong independent woman who in the end realises she doesn't have to depend on this man, that she's better off without him.

Another theory that we follow is Claude Levi-Strauss', He came up with the theory of binary opposition, which again is exactly what our story follows, the sense of good and evil. The girl acts all good an innocent at first when she's with her boyfriend, she's happy and will put up with whatever to be with him, until she turns into this slightly evil psychopathic character by standing up for herself and killing him. The boyfriend is also seen as this evil character as he takes advantage of the girl because he knows he can get away with it, until he dies because of it.

Some may argue and say that we also follow Aristotle's theory as well, he had the idea that every story has a beginning, middle, and end, which is sort of what happens in our story. The beginning is where the couple are all happy; he acts happy towards her so that she learns to trust him, thinking that nothing could go wrong. Then the middle happens, where actually things do go wrong, he starts abusing her, hitting her e.c.t keeping her enclosed in this tiny room/ apartment so she can't escape and tell anybody. And the end where she gets fed up, and everything's built up inside of her that she lashes out and kills him as her only form of escape, even though it's not the end to the whole story, the whole situation comes to a proper ending.

Target Audience

The target audience for our opening sequence/film is from around 15 onwards. A lot of people start getting into relationships from this age and throughout their lives, and they should be aware that not all relationships are happy and easy, that sometimes after while things can possibly take a turn for the worst. As well as knife crime, whether you are in a relationship or not people can stab you at any moment. We think that people around this age may have had an experience of one or both of these crimes, maybe they were the ones to stab someone and have dealt with the consequences of that or were the ones to have been beaten or hurt buy a partner; It links to personal relationships and identity, that they can relate to whats happening or know someone that it has happened to, or even if they watch it to become more aware of the topic.

This also leads on to the point of Ideology. People live their everyday lives, happily whether they are in a relationship or not, or whether they just like to have fun, or are stuck in the busy world of work, totally oblivious that things such as knife crime or more so domestic violence are happening at this very moment and no one is able to help. Whether the victim escapes from the situation or not it leaves them traumatised for months, even years after, and them being able to trust someone else again whether that is friends or a partner takes a lot of time and effort. Along with knife crime, people are very aware about the topic, they understand that it happens daily on the streets, yet barely anyone does anything to stop it until they, or a close friend/partner are stabbed or effect by the situation. Just because it doesn't happen to them doesn't mean that it doesn't happen at all. And that's what our story line is about. The hybrid cross of the two crimes, knife crime and domestic violence makes people aware that things like this still happen today and are happening right now.

Treatment Template Final Idea

Treatment Template Final Idea

Title :

As a group we haven't yet come up with a title for our opening sequence , it's a working process which will be developed as we start and continue to film.


Lauryn Corbett, Sonny Rowling, Conor Drake, Enniola Silva



Production Company Name:

Group 1

Presents A :

Psychological Crime Drama ( Hybrid )

About A:

Young Girl  ( around 18 ) who gets into a relationship with an older male ( around 25 ).
At first we see the young girl in a dark apartment, with the spot light on her, from a long shot. The camera zooms in to a close-up of the girls hand, she's holding a bloody knife. The camera then pans up her arm and torso towards her face into a close-up so we can see her crying and all her make-up smudge. From here we start to see flashbacks of her and her boyfriend all happy, running through a field in the summer, flowy dresses and summery clothes worn, Us as an audience not seeing the boyfriends face so he remains a mystery character. Jumping between other flashbacks of her on the floor from a point of view shot so it feels like us as the audience are her, from a low angle looking up at this shadowy figure hitting her. After all the flashbacks it goes back into the the long shot of the girl in the room and we see blue flashes and hear police sirense, before the opening sequence ends.

Costumes :

For the Young girl in the flash backs she will be wearing quite summery clothes, a flowy dress or top, And for the present day when she is in the apartment she's wearing dark clothing, such as a black vest top and shorts, exposing her, showing bruises or wounds that she has encountered by her boyfriend beating her.

For the boyfriend we don't really see what he is wearing in the flashbacks as he is shown more as a dark figure, in the flashbacks of the summer he's still wearing dark clothes, covered up, jeans and a black t-shirt, to keep him more mysterious.

Camera :

To start off the opening sequence we will see a long shot of the young girl in the room, We can see that it's autumn/winter time from the window behind this enables us to get an idea of who the main character is and we can see what she looks like. Then by using close-ups on the knife and her face we are able to link the two ideas together, that she's upset because she's used the knife on somebody but we don't exactly see who.

At the beginning of the flashback an establishing shot is used to show the whole of the feild during the summer so the couple have space to run around e.t.c making the clip look quite happy and by the flashbacks being during summer and the present day being in autumn/winter we are able to create a time laps and as an audience get an idea of how long they have been together.

Then the whole storyline takes a turn when we see a low angle shot, point of view shot looking up at the boyfriend about to hit the young girl. by using the point of view shot it enables the us as an audience to feel like we are the young girl about to be beaten by this dark mysterious character, we feel what she feels, drawing the audience in and possibly as the dark shadow goes to hit her it's as if the camera falls over to the floor as if she has been knocked out or onto the floor, again it feeling like we are her as an audience.

The close-up flashes in betweeen each flashback of the girl a fast face speed, helping to make her look more psychopathic as we can see her getting more and more upset as she thinks about the whole of their relationship and how everything went wrong.


Our opening sepuence isn't going to contain any dialogue we thought it would be more effective if we used soundtracks over the top with sound effects through the middle. By the characters not speaking it makes the audience think more whats happening in the clips and with the genre being a hybrid of a psychological crime drama aswell as us seeing how the domestic violence effects her it also effects us as an audience as it makes us think and peice the storyline together.

The opening music's going to be quite slow, not much going on just a low sounding note played for a really long time to create a tensious effect as we see the knife and her face as she's been crying. Then as the Happy flashbacks occur we hear happy music synchronus to whats happening in the clips, it makes us think that everything in the couples relationship is fine and that they are happy together. For the Domestic Violence scenes the music merges into a quite dark scratch soundtrack creating a tense and unhappy mood again synchrous to the clips.

We was thinking about having some sound effects, maybe some scratchy record noises as the music changes with the clips, and possibly during the violence scenes at the end we hear her scream so we know sort of that he has hurt her as the camera drops to the floor, and especially at the end we will here the police sirens outside of the room she is in.

Lighting :

There will be alot of lighting used in the opening sequence to help set the mood. during the first scene where we see the young girl in the room, the room will be very dark, the only light we see will be a spot light, possibly from a gap in the window shining down on the girl sitting on the floor so when we zoom into her face we can see that she's been crying and that she's angry quite clearly.

Throughout the opening sequence a range of saturated and de-saturated colours and tones. For the happy flashbacks the couple will be outside in a field. but because the flashbacks will be shown in a sepia or black and white colour we will lighten the brightness/contrast so it's quite bright to reflect the summer setting. As for the Violent scenes the couolour will remain the same either sepia/black and white but in a darker brightness/contrast so we feel the mood change.


For the editing we was stuck on how we would encorperate slides showing the production name and the actors e.t.c My initial idea was that as the camera starts to zoom in during the long shot of the screen that it jaggers into black flashes showing the names of actors, the production names, and film title in and out each time the girl is shown getting closer and closer toward the camera, until finaly the film title is shown and there is the close up of her face.

When we are editing the clips together we will put in the sepia/black and white tones and change the contrasts of them during the flashbacks aswell as editing out anybackground noises as we dont want any dialogue or crackling sounds. As well as editing over the soundtracks during the scenes to fit the clips.

Gender Role Reversal and Binary Opposites:

We've kept to the idea that it's usually the male that uses domestic violence towards the woman accept in this case the situation gets too much for the young girl and she ends up lashing out and killing her boyfriend

There are binary opposites of age as she is 18 and he's 25 the contrast of the age difference is 7 years, not a typical relationship age as most people stick to people their own age or slightly older/younger not a big jump of 7 years. The idea that the girl stands up for herself but ends up killing her boyfriend when usually the male that uses domestic violence usually does end up killing or severaly hurting the girl.

Enigma Codes

Our opening sequence contains quite a few enigma codes, mainly from the psychological side of the genre, the audience are left to think about a lot of things, such as:

- Why is she holding a knife?
- Who has she killed?
- Why is she covered in cuts and bruises?
- What happens in the relationship for him to want to hurt her?
- Why does she want to be in a relationship with a man 7 years older than her?
- Why aren't her parents involved in her life?
- What does she do with the body that she's killed?
- Why does she feel killing him is the only way out of the situation?
- Why does she stay in the apartment after killing him?
- What happens with the police? do they take her away?
- What does the boyfriend look like? / Why can't we see what he looks like?

Executive Producers:

Miss.Butler and Mr.Lawes

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Treatment Template ( initial ideas and improved initial ideas ) Pitch and Group Meeting

Treatment Template : Initial Idea
At the moment i haven't come up with a title for my opening sequence
Group 1

Presents A :

Crime Drama
About :
My Crime Drama is about a young girl who gets involved in a gang that she shouldn't have. The gang make her do an Initiation Test to see if she is worthy enough to hang around with them and make her steal from a shop . As the girl goes in The gang run away leaving her to deal with the crime she's about to commit by herself. The shop keeper catches her and calls the police, but the girl knows she can't be caught as she has a previous track record ( has commited other crimes before )Trying to prove herself innocent the young girl tries to track down the gang to get get revenge.
The main character is the young girl who commits the crimes and tries to get revenge. I would need to get other people to help form part of the gang and have a police officer too.
As The Story Unfolds :
We realise that the young girl is actually innocent to the xcrimes she has previously commited and we see how she seeks out her revenge.

I PlanTo :
 Stick to the genre and not make it too comical or too serious. Stick to the codes and conventions of a crime drama but also try to deviate from the normal stereotypical roles.
Sound :
I will use a range of different sounds to fit with the clips , at a range of different paces to help create tension and effect.

Camera Angles and Shots :
I will try to include a lot of different camera angles and shots such as close-ups on the item that the young girl steals to help the audience understand whats going on and also to help build up tension and create effect.
It will be set around an urban town to get a feel for where the young girl lives ,  as well as gangs usually being assosiated with hanging about on the streets.
The characters will be wearing casual clothing such as hoodies and jeans/ tracksuit bottoms as that is typical to what gang members or 'chavs' usually wear. My crime drama breaks the usual stereotypes as young males are usualy involved with gangs and commit crimes

Executive Producers:

Miss.Buttler and Mr.Lawes.

Treatment Template improved idea


At the moment I haven't come up with a title for my opening sequence




Group 1

Presents A :

Crime Drama

About :

My Crime Drama is about a young girl who gets involved in a gang that she shouldn't have. The gang make her do an Initiation Test to see if she is worthy enough to hang around with them and make her steal from a shop . As the girl goes in The gang run away leaving her to deal with the crime she's about to commit by herself. The shop keeper catches her and calls the police, but the girl knows she can't be caught as she has a previous track record ( has commited other crimes before )Trying to prove herself innocent the young girl tries to track down the gang to get get revenge.


The main character is the young girl who commits the crimes and tries to get revenge. I would need to get other people to help form part of the gang and have a police officer too.

As The Story Unfolds :

We realise that the young girl is actually innocent to the crimes she has previously commited and we see how she seeks out her revenge.

I PlanTo :

Stick to the genre and not make it too comical or too serious. Stick to the codes and conventions of a crime drama but also try to deviate from the normal stereotypical roles.

Camera Angles and Shots :

I will try to include a lot of different camera angles and shots such as close-ups on the item that the young girl steals and her facial expressions as she is about to steal the item from the shop and is running away from the police , the eye contact with the audience from the close ups will make them feel more involved as it helps to create tension from direct address. I will also include a montage as she is running away from the police , this will include Long Shots, Close-ups of her facial expressions and feet as she is running and a close up of her head turning around to see if the police are following ehr. By doing this tension is created as, as an audience we want to know if she gets away from the police or not as one of the Enigma Codes. 

Sound :

I will use a range of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in the opening sequence such as diologue between the girl and the gang using slang names and not propper english as thats trypically how most people involved in gangs or wonder the streets talk especially the generation of today. I will use quite slow music when the young girl is about to enter the shop to help create tension and then really fast pace action music when she is running away, during the montage to go with the pace of the filming. All the sounds and effects will be synchrous to the clips.

Editing :

I will use a fade to black at the begining of the clip just after the long shot of her sitting in a dark house by herself. The black slide will say "  2 hours before " as part of the enigma codes and as each characters are shown the clip will be paused briefly so their name and character name can appear on the screen. And during the montage directors and editors names e.t.c will flash up and appear as well.


It will be set around an urban town to get a feel for where the young girl lives , as well as gangs usually being assosiated with hanging about on the streets.

The characters will be wearing casual clothing such as hoodies and jeans/ tracksuit bottoms as that is typical to what gang members or 'chavs' usually wear. My crime drama breaks the usual stereotypes as young males are usualy involved with gangs and commit crimes

Enigma Codes:

Why does she join the group ? Will she get away from the police ? Why does she have a track record ? What crimes has she comitted ? How will she get revenge on the gang ? What sort of home life does she have to want to join a gang and commit crimes ?

Executive Producers:

Miss.Buttler and Mr.Lawes.

 Pitching My Idea And Group Meetings.

After I had improved my initial idea, i had to then pitch it to the rest of the class, whilst another person in a different group peer assessed my idea. Each member of My group had to pitch their idea and after we got all of our feedback back we sat and discussed what worked well or not so well in each of our initial ideas and tried to put together one strong idea for our actual opening sequence.

My Feedback Sheet

What do you think worked well ?

What kind of revenge ? ( enigma code)
Presents an interesting issue
The darkness to add effect
Montage sounds interesting

What do you think could be improved ?

We already know what might happen in the film as we know the rest of the story will focus on her revenge.

Suitability as an opening sequence
 It uses good enigma codes and isn't a whole story
 The main character has a good conflicting past that adds to her character
 The mise-en-scene is fitting to the genre as it is rather dark
Creative flair/ keeping within the genre
 As opposed to focusing on the police she has changed the perspective the audience will be looking out for.