Sunday, 17 February 2013

Analysis, Success Criteria and Review of Opening Sequence.


In today's lesson Sonny and I went through and analysied the whole of our opening sequence. We analysied the editing, sound, titles, and the suitablility of the opening sequence as a whole in terms of how weak, satisfactory and strong each micro element was with comments at the end with notes in showing all the things we had included in our opening sequence within each micro element as shown in the table below.

Suitability as an opening sequence
Enigma codes
Clear story
Clear and visable
Variety of font and colour
Use of effect
Last an appropriate amount of time
Slow motion
Colour manipulation
Synchronous with clips
Range of diegetic and non-diegetic music.
Clear changes
Voice Over
Right volume to diegetic music
Synchronous to flashbacks

We also talked about what we thought could be improved during the last lesson before the opening sequence was published. We said that we needed to add in a production logo at the beginning to make the sequence look more professional and to make it slightly longer so that we're nearer to the 2 minute mark. We also needed to make the soundtrack slightly loader and turn down the voiceover as it was just a little too quiet and hard to hear.

Success Criteria

Sonny and I also made a success critera on everything we would include for each element and then re-watched our opening sequence to see if we had included everything we said we would.

I made a success criteria on the suitablity of the opening sequence and the sound used and said...

I will be successful if I make our opening sequence suitable towards the target audience, and all of the conventions included i.e editing, sound and titles. I will try not to bore the viewer, by showing them a well planned and thought out opening sequence that's continuous and includes a sufficiant amout of enigma codes to keep them hooked and interested.

I will also be successful if the sound used is synchronous to the clips shown, by also using a range of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds such as the sound track and voice over to use variety, but making sure they are relevant to the story being shown.

Sonny made a success criteria on the editing that we will use and the titles that we will include, shown on the screen grab below.

We also did a video to talk about our analysis and success criteria this lesson, to make it clear what we were going to do to improve our opening sequence before we published it.

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